Book: Abortion In The Seventies
Abortion In The Seventies
By W.M. Hern and B. Andrikopoulos (Eds.), National Abortion Federation, New York, 1977.
A report of the proceedings of the 1976 Western Regional Conference on Abortion.
Available from Alpenglo Graphics, 1130 Alpine, Boulder, CO 80304
US orders: $15 includes postage & handling
Canada: $25 includes shipping
International: $40 includes international courier service
Book: Abortion Services Handbook
Abortion Services Handbook
Interfacia, Chicago, 1978.
Available from Alpenglo Graphics, 1130 Alpine, Boulder, CO 80304.
US orders: $10, includes shipping & handling
Canada: $15
International: $25
Books: Abortion Practice by Dr. Warren Hern
Abortion Practice
Author: Dr. Warren Hern
Published by J.B. Lippincott Company in 1984
Description: Standard medical textbook on abortion and has been frequently cited in medical and legal publications and in legal briefs before U.S. Supreme Court.
Reviewed in Family Planning Perspectives, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Reproductive Health.
Softcover reprint. Alpenglo Graphics, 1990, 368 pages, 59 illustrations, 3 color plates, 16 tables.