The human life statute: Will it protect life or power?
The Human Life Statute: Will It Protect Life or Power?
By Dr. Warren M. Hern
The Denver Post Sunday, June 21, 1981
The :”Human Life Statute” now before the U.S. Congress would have the same effect. It requires only a majority in both houses, plus the president’s signature, to become law.
A more basic question before our society is not when life begins, but who is best prepared to decide when to transmit life to a new generation – the individual or the state? The right of the individual woman to make this choice should be supported. In this matter, she is more competent than any government.
[PDF]The Politics of Choice: Abortion as Insurrection
In Births and Power: Social Change and the Politics of Reproduction, W. Penn Handwerker, (Ed.), Boulder, Westview Press, 1990
[PDF]US Government Policy on Abortion
G. Contis and W.M. Hern
American Journal of Public Health 61:1038, May, 1971
Voters sent a clear pro-choice message.
The Daily Camera, December 21, 1992.
What About Us? – Staff reactions to D & E
Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H., and Billie Corrigan, R.N., M.S. Advances in Planned Parenthood 15:3-8, 1980.
[PDF]When Legal Abortion Came To Boulder.
Guest Opinion, The Daily Camera, November 2, 2003 (origiinal title: Reflections: November, 1973).
[PDF]Who wanted to ban ‘partial birth abortion’?
The Daily Camera – Guest Opinion, December 16, 1995.