Complete Bibliography of Publications by Warren M. Hern, MD

The human life statute: Will it protect life or power?

The Human Life Statute: Will It Protect Life or Power?

By Dr. Warren M. Hern
The Denver Post Sunday, June 21, 1981

The :”Human Life Statute” now before the U.S. Congress would have the same effect. It requires only a majority in both houses, plus the president’s signature, to become law.

A more basic question before our society is not when life begins, but who is best prepared to decide when to transmit life to a new generation – the individual or the state? The right of the individual woman to make this choice should be supported. In this matter, she is more competent than any government.


The politics of abortion.

The Progressive, November, 1972


The Politics of Choice: Abortion as Insurrection

In Births and Power: Social Change and the Politics of Reproduction, W. Penn Handwerker, (Ed.), Boulder, Westview Press, 1990


The Pope and my right to life.

The New York Times Op-Ed page, August 12, 1993.


US Government Policy on Abortion

G. Contis and W.M. Hern
American Journal of Public Health 61:1038, May, 1971


Voters sent a clear pro-choice message.

The Daily Camera, December 21, 1992.

What About Us? – Staff reactions to D & E

Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H., and Billie Corrigan, R.N., M.S. Advances in Planned Parenthood 15:3-8, 1980.


When is an egg not an egg?

The Colorado Statesman 108 (30), July 27,2007.


When Legal Abortion Came To Boulder.

Guest Opinion, The Daily Camera, November 2, 2003 (origiinal title: Reflections: November, 1973).


Who wanted to ban ‘partial birth abortion’?

The Daily Camera – Guest Opinion, December 16, 1995.