Abortion: The Numbers Game
The Washington Post, Editorial comment, “Taking Exception,” October 17, 1996.
[PDF]Administrative Incongruence and Authority Conflict in Four Abortion Clinics
W.M Hern, M. Gold, and A. Oakes. Human Organization 36:376-383, 1977
[PDF]Alta fecundidad en una comunidad nativa de la Amazonia Peruana.
Amazonia Peruana 24:125-142, 1994.
[PDF]Alta fecundidad en una comunidad nativa del Râo Ucayali.
Ginecologia y Obstetricia (Lima) 28:20-25, 1983.
[PDF]Another Message to My Neighbors in Kansas
Abilene Reflector Chronicle, October 23, 2020
Censored Copy in Salina Journal, Published October 25, 2020
[PDF]Anti-abortion campaign rhetoric prompts attacks on clinics
Sunday Camera, September 4, 1988.
Anti-abortion movement put weapon in slayer’s hand.
Daily Camera, Guest Opinion, March 20, 1994.
[PDF]Articles, interviews, information about the assassination of Dr. George Tiller May 31, 2009
Dr. George Tiller’s political assassination is result of rabid anti-abortion harassment.
The Colorado Statesmen, June 19, 2009
Book review: Anthropogenic Climatic Change
M.I. Budyko and Yu A. Izrael, Eds., Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 1990. National Geographic Research and Exploration 8(1):125-126, 1992.
Book review: Environmental Evolution: Effects of The Origin and Evolution of Life on Planet Earth
L. Margulis and L. Olendzenski, Eds., Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1992. National Geographic Research and Exploration 10(1):132, 1994.
Book review: The Population Dynamics of the Mucajai
Yanomama, J. Early, and J. Peters, San Diego, Academic Press, 1990. Population Studies 45:359-360, 1991.
Book: Abortion In The Seventies
Abortion In The Seventies
By W.M. Hern and B. Andrikopoulos (Eds.), National Abortion Federation, New York, 1977.
A report of the proceedings of the 1976 Western Regional Conference on Abortion.
Available from Alpenglo Graphics, 1130 Alpine, Boulder, CO 80304
US orders: $15 includes postage & handling
Canada: $25 includes shipping
International: $40 includes international courier service
Book: Abortion Services Handbook
Abortion Services Handbook
Interfacia, Chicago, 1978.
Available from Alpenglo Graphics, 1130 Alpine, Boulder, CO 80304.
US orders: $10, includes shipping & handling
Canada: $15
International: $25
Books: Abortion Practice by Dr. Warren Hern
Abortion Practice
Author: Dr. Warren Hern
Published by J.B. Lippincott Company in 1984
Description: Standard medical textbook on abortion and has been frequently cited in medical and legal publications and in legal briefs before U.S. Supreme Court.
Reviewed in Family Planning Perspectives, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Reproductive Health.
Softcover reprint. Alpenglo Graphics, 1990, 368 pages, 59 illustrations, 3 color plates, 16 tables.
Boulder Abortion Clinic
Office pamphlet © 1976, Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H.
Cervical treatment with Dilapan prior to second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion: A pilot study of 64 patients.
American Journal of Gynecologic Health 7(1):15-18, 1993.