What About Us? – Staff reactions to D & E
Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H., and Billie Corrigan, R.N., M.S. Advances in Planned Parenthood 15:3-8, 1980.
[PDF]When Legal Abortion Came To Boulder.
Guest Opinion, The Daily Camera, November 2, 2003 (origiinal title: Reflections: November, 1973).
[PDF]Who wanted to ban ‘partial birth abortion’?
The Daily Camera – Guest Opinion, December 16, 1995.
[PDF]Why are there so many of us?
Why are there so many of us?
Papers and conference presentations discussing the theory that the human species displays the characteristics of a malignant process. Description and diagnosis of a planetary ecopathological process. Population and Environment 12:9-39, 1990.
Warren M. Hern
University of Colorado
Man is an apparition. Eliot Porter, April 5, 1989 Tesuque, New Mexico