Publications in peer-review journals & invited book

What About Us? – Staff reactions to D & E

Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H., and Billie Corrigan, R.N., M.S. Advances in Planned Parenthood 15:3-8, 1980.


When is an egg not an egg?

The Colorado Statesman 108 (30), July 27,2007.


When Legal Abortion Came To Boulder.

Guest Opinion, The Daily Camera, November 2, 2003 (origiinal title: Reflections: November, 1973).


Who wanted to ban ‘partial birth abortion’?

The Daily Camera – Guest Opinion, December 16, 1995.


Why are there so many of us?

Why are there so many of us?

Papers and conference presentations discussing the theory that the human species displays the characteristics of a malignant process. Description and diagnosis of a planetary ecopathological process. Population and Environment 12:9-39, 1990.

Warren M. Hern
University of Colorado

Man is an apparition. Eliot Porter, April 5, 1989 Tesuque, New Mexico